We gather in a Wesleyen style Class meeting on Monday nights at Clapps Chapel UMC. this blog is an outpouring of the growth that occurs there.

Gabe Davis


I recently read an article in the Knoxville News Sentinel about modern polar bears sharing a common ancestor with the brown bear.  I of course took this as further proof of God's creation, God created bears and through natural selection we have many colors, shapes, and sizes of bears just like people.  The article troubled me though as it illustrated what "science" has become.  The article states the findings : Mitochondrial DNA found in polar bears match that of brown bear bones found in Ireland which is very interesting but then the scientist went into a in depth fantasy, trying to explain how this is possible without providing any additional evidence.  The author makes the statement that after the bears crossed the land bridge between Russia and Alaska all the bears must of died except for the ones from this one mother bear.  What a leap just to avoid the possibilities that all bears come from the original pair from the Ark. Science has become story telling, theory defending, and consensus building.   Christians are guilty of this as well but we would expect it from people who have a religious belief guiding them.  I believe secular scientist are approaching discovery in a very religious manner, looking to prove their belief in evolution as a Christian my look at data to prove creationism.  I wish we could teach our children that facts are provable and reproducible and they should come up with their own conclusions not just spit back whatever conclusion the writers of standardized testing put their faith in.

1 comment:

Pumice said...

A good point. With the advent of post modern thinking science has lost its edge. I taught science for a few years and I did a unit on "Fact and Theory." One of the points I made was that, scientifically speaking, both evolution and creation are theories. Neither meet the threefold demands of scientific fact: Measurable, observable, repeatable.

Good science is nothing to fear, after all God created the universe. It is the faith based stuff that is being accepted today.

Good points.

Grace and peace.