We gather in a Wesleyen style Class meeting on Monday nights at Clapps Chapel UMC. this blog is an outpouring of the growth that occurs there.

Gabe Davis

Miracle Vision

Wednesday, March 7
Read: John 6:1-14
As a young youth ministry leader in Germany I struggled mightily with

reconciling faith and intellect. I tried hard to understand how Jesus could

feed five thousand with only five loaves and two fish. So, when I lead my

first devotion on that text for the confirmands, I tried to explain to them

somewhat along the lines of: There were people who felt a spiritual hunger

and Jesus preached so mightily that they felt fulfilled with his words, so

much that they forgot all about their physical needs, isn't that wonder

enough? It was my test by the Lord and I failed as miserably as Philip did.

I later realized that it comes down to this: Can I believe that this Jesus rose

from the grave and conquered death? Because if he did that – and he did!-

truly feeding 5000 people with scarce food seems like child play against it.

Lord, give me eyes to see the miracles you do and a heart to praise them every

day. Amen. ~Johannes Amberg

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